The concept
Find the place to live that meets your criteria !
Employment, real estate, risks, climate, landscape, 4G, fiber, transport, access to services, sociopolitics, …? Où Vivre brings together TARGETED INDICATORS and SIMPLE TOOLS to support you in your residential strategy.

Who is for ?
Où Vivre is for everyone !
Urban, rural, students, families, retirees, ecologists, teleworkers… We also provide targeted content for local authorities, associations, researchers, real estate experts.
An ethical and collaborative project
Who we are and our principles
Financially and politically independent, Où Vivre does not “value” your personal data, is completely transparent about the methodologies used and does not offer any label or paid rankings. In addition, our approach is collaborative and everyone can, for example, contribute to improving the application.
Since 2012, the Altermap companie has been deploying cartographic applications in environment, traceability and town planning fields. For the “Où Vivre” project, we are bringing together skills in geomatics, “Big Data” geostatistics, communication and marketing.

Où vivre Premium
Où vivre Premium allows you to access additional features and tools : more indicators, saving your searches, and much more… Discover the features offered by the premium version.